MSA is equipping this generation and generations to come with the fivefold SHAWL of Sacred Arts. Jesus lived out these five Sacred Arts in His relationship to the Father, He modeled them in His mentoring of the twelve disciples, and then He commissioned us to do the same thing He did by “making disciples” everywhere we go (Matthew 28:19-20).
“Carlo, you have found a gold mine for spiritual formation and mentoring in the timeless teachings of Andrew Murray. Your integration of their vision in the Sacred Arts Series is valid, creative and very promising for spirituality and ministry.”
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Surrendering to Encountering Christ in Formation Friendship…
Would you like to learn how to develop a deep level of relationship to Jesus that will form you into His likeness?
Timeless biblical teachings provided by Andrew Murray, Leslie Weatherhead, and Dallas Willard (masters of spiritual formation), serve as the foundation for this mentoring experience of six or more weeks. Included are stories of Encounter and Surrender, teaching about the DNA of spiritual formation, and Practices that creatively inspire meaningful Encounter with Christ.
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Humbling ourselves to the indwelling Presence of Christ and the Holy Spirit…
Would you like to discern how the nobility of humility, as modeled by Jesus Himself, can be formed in you?
The godly-wise and biblical teaching of Andrew Murray is combined with creative spiritual Practices, including the integration of classical art pieces that depict Christ’s humility. This mentoring journey engages apprentices for a period of eight or more weeks.
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Abiding in Christ, the True Vine, moment by moment and day by day…
Would you like to explore how an intimate, abiding Friendship with Christ can help you grow and change into the very character of Christ Himself?
This mentoring pathway of ten or more weeks explores the ways of overcoming our limitations, sins, and addictions given to us found in the transcendent teachings of Jesus through the Apostle John, and blended with the extraordinary insights of Andrew Murray. Experience “Romantic Practices” — creative disciplines that support the development of a deep spiritual love-life with Jesus.
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Waiting on the Father in a relationship of constant Encounter…
Would you like to experience the joys - the benefits - and the transformation that come from discovering this lost art.. the Sacred Art of Waiting?
The contemporized writings of Andrew Murray on this subject provide the foundation for six or more weeks of daily readings fused with journaling/sketching/collaging Practices that inspire the mentoring and transformation of one our most stubborn and difficult human dilemmas…into genuine Christ-like character.
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Listening and recognizing the quiet voice of God deep within our spirits…
Would you like to cultivate the quality of relationship with Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father, that develops your ability to hear Him speak through His Word and into your heart?
Seven or more weeks of practical mentoring will be experienced in the context of “Listening Labs” that highlight lectio divina experiments of Listening for God’s voice in the Psalms. Also included in this Guide are stories, testimonies, prayers, noteworthy quotes, principles, and Practices that support the development of the Sacred Art of Listening.